to blog or not to blog
I don't like wearing dresses. I don't like hanging out in large groups of people, particularly if that group includes even a small percentage of giggly girls. I don't like the idea of having to become a productive member of society.
That in mind, one might imagine I also wouldn't like another very popular concept, blogging. Really, I don't. Actually I'm not againt blogging itself--I think its a fantastic outlet for intelligent, clever, awesome people (or stupid, dim, boring people) to let their words out. What I don't like is the idea of me taking the time to do something for what will probably be no reason. There are how many blogs online? What percentage of people who write blogs also read blogs? Surely the statistics are against me--nobody's going to encounter this blog.
So, why am I doing it? Very good question, my imaginary reader. I'm doing this because if I don't all these ideas and rants and things in my head will come bursting out late at night in my boyfriend's bed and he'll have to either a) console me while I cry uncontrollably or b) listen to me patiently while I jabber on for hours. I figured I'd start blogging to get them out now and perhaps save him the trouble later.
I don't have anything insightful to say right now, though. I'm just generally a little cranky at the world for having wars, people who kill people, and for taking away Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. But what can you do? So it goes...
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