Friday, August 31, 2007

4 out of 5 dentists recommend toothpaste for your grillz.

I'm off to listen to Joel read an excerpt from one of his stories on German culture. Should be moderately exciting, unless I fall asleep...of which there is imminent danger.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dino also uses a moisturizer for his dry skin problem.

Yea yea, it's been a while. Shut up. I had to move home, get settled, yell at Joel for not doing the dishes, praise Joel for buying me seasons 1 and 2 of BBC's The Office (squee!) and...uh...start that crappy school stuffs. No, these will not be as regular as before. Yes, that makes me sad. For life is but a delicate flower, and school is a large unyielding bulldozer that regularly tramples that flower.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

All packed up and ready to move.

Well I'm mostly packed up now, and kind of bored. I had some chicken today, and it was tasty.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dino retaliates on my behalf

So I had this really weird dream last night. I was at a pool with some friends, but they were all from high school. This is the first weird part of the dream, as in high school I wasn't actually friends with anyone who was in the dream. Okay so anyway, we were swimming at the pool and for some reason I had my entire collection of Harry Potter books there with me. To, I guess, you know, do some swimming and reading. Well they all fall in the water (shocker!) and I start freaking out because they're getting soaked. So one of the "friends", I don't recall who, jumped in the pool and tried to dive for them. No luck. Finally a pool lady fished them out with a net but I was still hysterical because they were all wet and ruined. So my question to you, readers, is this: on a scale of one to Battlestar Galactica, how dorky does this dream make me? You decide.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dino: Smaller than a whale, larger than scuba gear.

The artist realizes that past 'toons have perhaps been deceptive as to the exact scale of Dinosaur. He is, as you can see, smaller than a whale.

Joel and I go home in one week! Whoooeee! I'm so excited for another 24 hour car ride and the subsequent TWO family reunions!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dino needs to work on applying an even coat.

Here's my updated list of people I really really really really don't like (in no particular order):

  • Bill O'Reilly
  • Nancy Grace
  • Dick Cheney
  • Michelle Malkin
  • Ann Coulter
Yes, I know...there's an emerging pattern here. In other news, I went home sick from work today. I blame the water in Mexico, but it could have also been the thirty-five hot wings Joel and I shared last night. Either way, I don't think I'll eat again for a while.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Good in soups.

Well Joel and I are properly sunburned thanks to the direct Mexican sun. We spent our afternoon and evening lounging about on the beach, splashing in the water, picking up shells, and fervently avoiding the numerous people trying to sell us things. We even saw two Mexican dudes get into a fist fight! WHAT AN ADVENTURE! Now we are home, we survived crossing the border ("You haf beer or tequila?" "No, just Coca-Cola." "Cola Cola?! OOH! Siiiii!") and now we'll probably just sit here and wait for our sunburns to take full effect. Ouch.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Joel's interpretation of Dinosaur.

Joel and I are off to Rocky Point, Mexico tomorrow morning to spend what I'm hoping will be a nice, quiet, sun-filled weekend together. However, a number of things could prevent this from happening. A) our hotel has terrible reviews online. B) Apparently Rocky Point police officers like to take advantage of ignorant tourists. C) Knowing this area of the country, it will probably rain. But hey! It'll still be a nice hotel on a beach in Mexico...can't be too bad, can it?