Monday, December 31, 2007

Dino has surprisingly refined taste in kitchen artwork.

Joel and I made the mistake of buying a Gamecube a couple of days ago. That's not to say a Gamecube isn't a good investment: In fact, right now it's probably the best investment you could possibly make. We bought ours for 30 bucks from a Gamerz less than 48 hours ago and I've already logged well over 16 hours on Paper Mario. As you all know, nothing makes time fly by at astronomical speeds (like this: "ZOOOOM!") than Nintendo. Therefore, in terms of things that occupy my time, the Gamecube was a wise purchase.

Oh, wait. I didn't pay for it. Nevermind all that up there then.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Say please, or The Lord and Savior will smite you.

So I've finally got me some jobs for next semester, one as an English mentor at a couple of Elementary schools, and I'll also stay here at the press doing various editing-type job thingermagiggers. Hoorah! I'll save up just enough money in time to spend it all moving away for the summer! A far cooler story, however, is that my small group in Religion class today spent our time discussing how Halo 3 and Kafka are metaphorically related. Shazzam!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Those crazy Archaeologists.

I had the most terrible hiccups all day today. They're the sort that punch so hard against your ribcage that it feels like a midget is trying to escape from your torso. In better news, I bought a book about the life of Elizabeth I with my bookstore gift certificate! Like the great Virgin Queen once said, "Ain't nothin' like free books to lift thine spirits, ya dig?"*

*paraphrased slightly.

Chip chip, cheerio!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cosmetic dentistry just in time for Christmas.

Big news! I'm done shopping for Christmas! I got Joel *$%@! and some really cool %*!&@. (Can't tell, sorry.) I'm also thirteen short days away from officially gradumatating, even though I'm not going to my ceremony. Instead, I think I'll jump on the bed with a balloon and party streamers and a noise maker and scream, "I'M DONE! I'M DONE! I RULE!"

I think that's a far more entertaining way to celebrate, don't you?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Winter's dry, people. Gotsta keep the lip lube handy.

I asked Joel what I should write in my blog. He said, "Say whatever you're thinking." So, here goes:

-I could really use a taco right now. No homemade tacos, either. Those are always crap. Taco Bell tacos. Now that's authenticity.

-What kind of name is Huckabee? Would any of us really want to refer to "President Huckabee" by about this time next year? I didn't think so.

-What's up with paperweights? Why would you buy something whose sole intention is to hold papers down? You can use absolutely anything as a paperweight, yet there is a paperweight industry. Rock-type things with inspirational messages on them, or Your Company Name Here followed by Trendy Graphic. Use a stapler, for crap's sake. Whoever came up with that is a genius.

- I never have said, nor will I ever say the following phrase: " I have to have those shoes or I'm going to die." I think I'm a better person because of it.

-This is a list of Joel's favorite words: Poop, butt, hole, meemeshmeemeshmeeme, and any combination of the four. Not unlike a ten year old boy.

- I think Gordon Ramsay is pretty cool. Cranky, kind of, and I rarely hear what he's saying on television because most of it gets bleeped, but I get the general idea. I appreciate his breed of English accent.

- I wonder if the Alphorn is heavy. Are there Alphorn conventions? In which case, does everybody have to drag along their Alphorn in their big gigantic Alphorn case, strapped to the hood of their car, and keep a safe distance from the car in front of them lest the Alphorn puncture their back window? Are they heavy? Is it Ricola pronounced rEEcolah or ricOHlah? They've said it both ways in one commercial.

That was fun.