Sunday, May 20, 2007

And he'd do it again, too.

Last toonie for two weeks, sorry folks. I'm going to spend the duration of that time whining and complaining because I'll be all alone. Woe is me!! The upside, all the food in the apartment is MINE. Mmm, frozen burritos...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Sorry, but the princess is in another castle

The orientation meeting at your friendly neighborhood Target store lasts for about five and a half hours. I just wanted to give you a heads up; you might want to take a Snickers or a box of Jujubes. You're going to be there for a while.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Check out them braces

A double 'toon day. Clearly, I have little else to do with my time.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Perfect for after a long day smashing cities

I realized that while Joel's in Austin for two weeks, I will be unable to make cartoonies. I'll doodle them out old school style on paper, and then wow the online community with a plethora of goodies upon his return. That's what colored pencils and my Crayola doodle pad are for.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Summit's goin' down in Yalta tonite

After six or so hours of Age of Empires II, Joel's army of Teutons and my army of Britons successfully banded together to defeat the Visigoths, Mongols, and some renegade Teutons. Had we not paused in the middle of the game to make enchiladas, it might have been the most pointless afternoon ever.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Not a smart place to be

Lots of big scary cacti today! Joel and I meandered around a small portion of Saguaro National Park today, in one of the hottest months of the year, right at the hottest part of the day. In hindsight, yes, we could have timed it better. We plan on going back at twilight later this week to see more wildlife than the occasional scurrying lizard.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pretty, but she's got attitude.

It's friggin' hot here. I'm wiling away the hours by watching an America's Next Top Model 8 marathon, which has only served to lower my self-esteem. Gotta look at it this way though: at least I'm not a total bitch.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I can barely see him

Well we're finally in Tucson. The drive was long, I whined for the vast majority of it, and now it's too damn hot so I've got brand new things to whine about. The good news is, the palm trees make me feel tropical.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I hope he doesn't land in the trees

I've done nothing but watch T.V. and eat tacos today. I am a lazy pile.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Maybe he's having an identity crisis

My mother bought me the Ultimate Feast at Red Lobster today, a veritable fiesta of dead crustaceans that makes my heart to "wheee!" I had filled up half way through a basket of cheesy garlic biscuits, but I ate the whole meal anyway. Nobody, I mean nobody, should waste good seafood.

Friday, May 4, 2007

It's Gonna be Huge

I spent the entire day doing laundry (or rather, I spent a fraction of the day doing my laundry and the rest of the day waiting for Joel to do his laundry) and I think I shall spend the night testing Mitch on his drink mixing capabilities...he's a bartender, so he better not suck.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ninja Fighting Action

I am currently thoroughly enjoying some potato salad and chicken legs. I also just got a credit card for the first time ever, which is scary. I hope it doesn't have mind control powers and force me to buy some really expensive DVD box set I don't even want, like The Golden Girls or M*A*S*H.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Science at Work

While my overall talent with Photoshop is Neanderthalic at best, I am progressing.

I leave for Tucson in five days, so anybody who's as concerned as I am that my car won't make it can send me two thousand dollars, just in case. I've never driven for longer than three hours total, so twenty-four hours in two days is going to, in so many words, blow chunks. I'll have to be sure to make numerous Mt. Dew pit stops, lest my caffeine levels dwindle and I begin to hallucinate that Joel's car is a hovercraft.

Pope Benedict (or Bennie Boy, as I like to call him when we hang out playing Scrabble on the weekends), if you're reading this, the ol' Ford Tempo could use a protective blessing. Danke, mein Vater.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A birthday greeting for one of my favourite Brits. Have a great birthday, Mike. I hope its full of sweet candies and pretty colored dreams.