Saturday, June 7, 2008

Don't look under Dino's coffee table. Trust me.

My new favorite person: Joel McHale. Joel, if you happen to spend time Googling your own name and you encounter this blog, I want you to know that it's my dream in life to be one of the people behind the camera on The Soup who laughs or cheers whenever you say something funny. I'm pretty sure I could do "Sooooo Meaty!" for the Chat Soup segment way better than that one chick. If she IS a chick. I don't want to judge.

If I can't do that, I might have to steal Joel G's career aspiration, which is to be a History Channel reenactment actor. "You know that guy who played Nero and just stands around holding his hands up in the air dramatically? I want to be that guy."

Never were there two more determined people.


Chauncey said...

This is crap!! You tell me to check out your toons and then you stop updating them!! I sick of your laziness!! :P haha...just kidding I love you...but really you need to update!

Anonymous said...

I love Joel McHale! That is one funny

jsis said...

I did not know who Joel McHale was...but I Googled him and he made me laugh...he reminds me of you.