Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Marked down for the holidays

I'm gradumatating in 39 days. I'm not actually going, though, so I'll just have to cordially present myself with my diploma later, when I receive it in the mail. Also, it turns out I now need to go shopping for a new wardrobe of nice, business casual clothes for a new job. Anybody who knows anything about me will understand how terrifying that is. In better news, I found a lovely pair of jeans for $30 dollars, and then hell froze over.

Joel asked me what I would do if we ever lived somewhere that didn't have the Food Network or BBC America. I pondered it for a moment, and realized something kind of sad: which basic cable stations are available will play a large part in where I decide to live in my life. Pathetic, but true.


jsis said...

Nice toon.

Chauncey said...

Just thought you should know that it has been 13 days since you have updated...I'm sick of this...update!!